UCN does not have any dorms or housing for international students. Nonetheless, the exchange program offers some reliable and accountable suggestions for hostels, hotels, appartments and "pensiones".

The most affordable suggestions are:

  • to stay at a family house with 3 meals included (breakfast, lunch and small dinner) for about $400.000 chilean pesos (USD 500) a month.

  • ‘pensiones’, adapted houses for students with individual or shared bedroom from $220.000 chilean pesos (USD 280) a month.

It is recommended that you come to the city some ideas prior the beggining of the semester so you can look for a near housing option. For that, you might want to stay at a hostel. When contacting people by email or cellphone, ask for pictures and address.

Here are some suggestions for housing in :



Pensiones :

  • Jennifer Luchsinger 56994393706

  • Susana Salinas 56 9 8266116

  • Angelina Parra 56 9 7380 6462

Hostels :