To study at UCN, as a undergraduate or graduate student you need to apply to visa de residencia para estudiante extranjero

This visa does not allow to work


  1. A full face color picture : White backround 5x5 cms. (1.97 inches), facing to the front, where the face is 3/4 of the picture.

  2. Acceptance letter from UCN

  3. Adequate financial capacity : It is not necessary to send all the documents, only the one(s) that effectively prove financial capacity during the stay period in Chile.

a) Scholarship letter.

b) If the visa holder has not been awarded with a scholarship, he/she must present:

b.1) salary or wage settlements

b.2) retirement settlements

b.3) saving account balances from the last 12 months

b.4) picture or a letter of bank current acount from the last 12 months

b.5) term deposits

b.6) vehicles and/or properties legally acquired title of ownership

c) A letter of sponsorhip from parents or guardians or benefactors, who must present the document(s) listed in b.

4. +18 years old: A legalized criminal record valid up to 60 days prior of the application to the visa

5. Medical certificate (A general certification that states the person is allow to travel abroad)

6. A valid passport until the end period of the visa.

7. Non- citizens of the country where the visa is been requested must present a valid national identification.

IMPORTANT : any document in a language other than English or Spanish must be translated. The merely application to the visa and its requirements does not imply granting the visa. The Chilean Consulate might ask for further information.


  1. Gather all the requiered documents.

  2. Fill in the form Visa Residente Estudiante para extranjeros.

  3. Upload the required documents.

  4. You can check your application status at

  5. As a result, you have applied to the Visa Residente Estudiante.

  6. If needed, attend to an interview at the nearest Chilean Consulate.

  7. If approved, you must turn in the payment voucher and a valid passport to get the visa stamped in the nearest Chilean Consulate.


  1. Gather all the requiered documents.

  2. Set a date at the nearest Chilean Consulate.

  3. Explain that you are applying to: Visa Residente Estudiante para extranjeros.

  4. Fill in the form and turn in the required documents.

  5. Attend to the required interview by the Chilean Consulate.

  6. If approved, you must turn in the payment voucher and a valid passport to get the visa stamped in the Chilean Consulate.

IMPORTANT : any document in a language other than English or Spanish must be translated


  • 90 days are mandatory to visit Chile, once the visa has been stamped at the passport.

  • When enter Chile by customs or Policía de Investigaciones de Chile –PDI, 2 copies of the "cédula consular" must be turned in.

  • According to the current laws of migration in Chile, non-residents must enter Chile with the following documents:

● (-) PCR 72 hours prior entering Chile

● "Declaración jurada para viajeros provenientes del exterior" at:

● International Health Insurance

● An address in the final destination (Angamos 0610 in Antofagasta) (Larrondo 1281 in Coquimbo)

● Preventive quarentine for 7 days

Vaccination Documents

ONCE IN CHILE , you have 30 days since your arrival, to register your first visa at:

Withing the 30 days, you must bring in presencially the certificate of the visa to the Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación, to get the Cédula de Identidad para extranjeros.


  • Simón Bolívar 250 - Office hours: 08:30 - 13:30


  • Los Guindos 509, Coquimbo Office hours: 08:30 - 14:00

Non-citizen ought to respect chilean laws and regulations during the whole period of staying